Have you ever been stuck at a crossroads in life? To be honest, I'm not really sure if this is a crossroads of sorts. It seems to be more like a dirt road with a bunch of tire marks in it and I'm trying to figure out which tire marks will lead me somewhere as opposed to the tracks that seem to be going in a ridiculously random circular pattern.

I have tried to choose the path less chosen....as the great Robert Frost wisely suggested, but somehow I feel as if the path less chosen always takes a turn for the main road unexpectedly and then I end up right back where I started once again.

If these road analogies don't paint a vivid enough picture for you, I'll use rabbit holes to further drive my point home. 

I feel as if I'm stuck in this field full of rabbit holes and I'm trying to figure out which hole will lead to the trail of my future. I've tried what seems to be almost every hole within view and I come out the other end in the same field! I've even found myself entering what appears to be a completely new hole, only to discover it's familiarity half way through. So not only am I going in circles, but I am running into the same holes over and over again. I hope you can imaging my frustration at this point.

In the past I would try to solve a problem like this intellectually (either through constant analyzation within my head or by diving into a book/classroom). I struggled to realize that the answer lay within me the whole time. I never had enough faith in myself I guess. These days I'm trying a completely different method. The Bible. I know some may find this absolutely crazy. I have to say that it does require more patience than my previous methods. It's a lot more waiting rather than doing (so to speak).

I know that for now....I still don't have the answers. In fact I'm chronically stumbling around in the field or dirt path with no idea which direction to turn. I DO know...that this prominent method has provided more peace than any previous method I've used.

Though it's not easy,
Faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve you Lord, while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting

So...I will wait. :)

Lyrics provided by John Waller's While I'm Waiting


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